Home » PostGraduate Syllabus
Postgraduate Syllabus
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Mastering a skill to create endless opportunities
After a rigorous undergraduate program, you must pursue an interest-filled post-graduation program. This will enhance the credibility of your interested subject and give you a good hands-on experience in the industry. With our post-graduate program, you are assured of career guidance to subordinate associates in the education sector through well-qualified faculty members and research scholars. The administration is rigorously operating towards getting the students equipped for industrial requirements through post-graduate program education.
With the help of skilled faculty in various domains, we are certainly on the road to creating qualified undergraduates with impeccable knowledge.
Out outstretched post-graduate program cover multiple filed, so you have various interests to choose from and get trained to be the best at it
"A step towards signifying a Pro-Post Graduate"
Postgraduate Programs Offered In The Department
- Arts: Expertise in understanding creativity, art & literature.
- Commerce: Understanding the importance of commercials with our accounting.
- Science: With the evolution in technology, we have created our science programs with industrial standards.
- Education Faculty: Making the teachers of tomorrow.
- Language Faculty: Teaching soft skills is a part of our curriculum because it is as essential as any other subject.
- PG Open Electives -III Semester
- M.Sc III & IV Semeter Nutrition & Dietetics PG science
- M.Sc. Audiology Syllabus 2022-23.pdf
- M.Sc. Speech Language Pathology Syllabus 2022-23
- Revised Syllabus M.Sc Speech Language and M.Sc Audiology
- Latest Notification relating to partial modification to Appendix A of P.G Regulations (CBCS Scheme)
- Bangalore University Syllabus applicable to Bengaluru City University
- M.Sc Nutrition and Dietetics syllabus
- M.Sc Computer Science Syllabus I to IV Sem
- M.Sc Computer Science Notification
- Syllabbus Notification Environmental Science
- M.Sc IDD Syllabus I to IV Sem
- M.Sc IDD & FAD Syllabus Notification
- M.Sc FAD Syllabus I to IV Sem
- M.Sc Environmental Science Syllabus I to IV Sem
- 4th Sem Animal Science syllabus
- MCA - Syllabus 2020 - 21
- M.Sc - Plant Science
- M.Sc - Physics Syllabus
- History - I to IV Semester Syllabus
- M.A. French-2022-23
- M.A.Spanish -2022-23
- PG Open Electives -III Semester
- Circular regarding Open elective courses in Arts Faculty
- Latest Notification relating to partial modification to Appendix A of P.G Regulations (CBCS Scheme)
- Bangalore University Syllabus applicable to Bengaluru City University
- Mass Communication & Journalism
- MA - History 4th Semester Syllabus
- MA - Economics III and IV Semester Syllabus
- MA - History III Semester Syllabus
- MA - History II Semester Syllabus
- MA - History I Semester Syllabus
- MA - Philosophy Syllabus
- MA - Political Science II Semester Syllabus
- MA - Political Science I Semester Syllabus
- MA - Political Science III and IV Semester Syllabus
- MA - Sociology Syllabus
- MSW - Syllabus
- MVA - Syllabus Effective from 2019-20
- Open Elective Papers II Semester
- MA - Economics I and II Semester Syllabus
- MA - Mass Communication I and II Semester
- Mass Communication Journalism IV Semester Syllabus
- Revised MTTM Syllabus -2023-24
- PG Open Electives -III Semester
- Bangalore University Syllabus applicable to Bengaluru City University
- Latest Notification relating to partial modification to Appendix A of P.G Regulations (CBCS Scheme)
- M.Com PG Notification
- M.Com PG Syllabus
- MBA - III and IV Semester Syllabus
- M.Com Financial Analysis 2 Sem Modified Syllabi and notification