Home » PG Programmes » Canara Bank School of Management studies
Canara Bank School of Management studies
Study Campus
Bengaluru City University Dr. Ambedkar Veedhi, Bengaluru- 560001, Karnataka. Phone : (080) 29572017 Email : bcucms@gmail.com
The minimum qualification should be 10+2 with ‘pass’ result, with PUC/ISC/CBSE or an equivalent. And, a Bachelor's degree in the field of commerce.
Study Campus
Bengaluru City University Dr. Ambedkar Veedhi, Bengaluru- 560001, Karnataka. Phone : (080) 2213 1385
- Overview
- Faculty
- Syllabus
- Facilities
- Industry Collaboration
- Alumni
Canara Bank School of Management Studies (CBSMS) a renowned and accomplished school of management approved. By AICTE in the Silicon Valley of Bengaluru. It is the most happening department in the Bengaluru City University. It is having a glorious past and the infinite potentiality to grow to a greater height. The leading academic and research based school of management established in the year 1988 with a futuristic vision of the founders. The holistic development of young managers and executives with character and values is the motto of the CBSMS. The department was started in the erstwhile Bangalore University. In the aftermath of trifurcation of Bangalore University, it has gained a new entity for dispensing world class management education.
Professionalism and expertise dispensation is the unique proposition of CBSMS among the students. it is located in the heart of the city and it collaborates with the leading organizations, institutions and MNCs to give students the right kind of exposure and competency and enabling them to gain the self-confidence and ingenuity in the chosen streams of the management. With committed and dedicated teaching and non-teaching staff enabled by the right physical and IT infrastructure, it is steering to meet the industry, society, national and international demands and requirements.

It has to its credit 26 affiliated MBA colleges with vibrancy and vigor. The school is well connected by metro, rail, road, airports and other means of transport. It is housed in nostalgic and heritage city college, where eminent personalities have taken the spring board to post milestones in various walks of life. In 1998, the leading public sector bank – Canara Bank has contributed to the tune of Rs. One Crore corpus found for the establishment of the then CBSMS. Which is leading example of industry academia interface. It is having the distinction of producing a highly competent and intellectual human resources for the nation. Canara Bank School of Management Studies, Bengaluru City University is providing effective training to students so as to enhance their knowledge and skills required in the highly competitive world today.
CBSMS also offers Four years multidisciplinary undergraduate programme BBA is with Multiple entry and exit options with Certification, Diploma and Basic Bachelor Degree at the completion of first, second and third years, respectively. The curriculum framework for B.B.A. UG program is structured considering the aspirations of students, changing nature of the subject as well as the learning environment. The candidates can choose areas of specialization/discipline as MAJOR and MINOR along with vocational subject or Teacher Education. The students may study two disciplines at the same level up to the sixth semester and choose one of them for study in the fourth year to obtain the Honours degree in that discipline.
Rejuvenate and make CBSMS a trend setting PG Department among state Universities of Karnataka.
Department of Management aims at making its students competent to face the challenges of the Globalized Corporate World, by imparting quality and value based Management Education. The Department strives to enhance Knowledge, Skills, Competence and Creativity with an emphasis on a Humane Approach based on Dedication and Selfless Commitment.
Highlights of the CBSMS
- First in the country to introduce Dual Specialization in University System
- First in the country to introduce and Implement ERP (SAP) training programme as part of the MBA Programme
- Located in the heart of the city of Bangalore
- First in the country to introduce ERP Training program of 120 hrs in university level. More than 3500 students have undergone it in same time bracket with the help of 22 notified nodal centers
- First in the state to Introduce Anti-plagiarism check for MBA Projects about 4500 reports have undergone for the check in Turnitin and Drillbit Software.
- Implementation of Live Case Study / web based Teaching Method.
- First in the country to pilot UN PRME Anti-corruption toolkit in MBA curriculum with 13 other business schools world-wide.
- Recognized and acknowledged by ‘The Good Quest Foundation’ for convening “Namma Vision 150” held on 30th Nov 2019 for transforming Namma Bengaluru into a clean and green city.
- CBSMS in association with Department of Commerce & Brindavan group of Institutions had conducted workshop on implementation of NEP 2020 for staff and students of commerce and management of BCU affiliated colleges.
- Conducted placement Workshop for 5 days on 21st to 25th November 2022 for training students on interview skills, soft skills, Resume building, Communication skills, Mock interview
- Conducted placement drive for MBA students on 29th November 2022.
- CBSMS in association with Community Institute of Management Studies Conducted FDP program for Training faculty guides on project guidance on 9th December 2022.
Programme Offered
Courses | Duration | Criteria |
MBA (Day) | 2 years | Selection through Entrance Examination (PGCET), Any degree of Bengaluru City University of any other University considered as equivalent thereto, with 50% aggregate marks. |
MBA (Evening) | 2 years | Selection through Entrance Examination (PGCET), Any degree of Bengaluru City University of any other University considered as equivalent thereto, with 50% aggregate marks with minimum 3 years of Work Experience(Full Time) After Degree. |
BBA | 4 years (NEP) | 10+2 |
S.No | Year | Student Intake | Admission for Day | Admission for Evening | Results | Rank Details |
1 | 2018-2019 | 60 | 52 | 51 | 100% | 1 |
2 | 2019-2020 | 60 | 60 | 42 | 100% | 1 |
3 | 2020-2021 | 60 | 60 | 22 | 100% | 1 |
4 | 2021-2022 | 60 | 60 | 19 | 100% | 1 |
Name | Designation | Qualification | Profile |
DR. Ritika Sinha | Chairperson & Associate Professor | MBA, Ph.D | View Profile |
DR. Nirmala M | Associate Professor | MBA, M.Com, M. phil, Ph.D | View Profile |
Computer Lab
The department has a well furnished lab for the use of the students. It has the capacity of fifty computers with broadband internet facilities and latest softwares loaded in it to enable students to be vigilant enough for upcoming trends in the field of management, general awareness and technological changes occurring around the globe. We also have a language lab equipped with latest facilities and hi-tech equipments for enhancing communication skills of the students.
Class Room
The department has a well furnished lab for the use of the students. It has the capacity of fifty computers with broadband internet facilities and latest softwares loaded in it to enable students to be vigilant enough for upcoming trends in the field of management, general awareness and technological changes occurring around the globe. We also have a language lab equipped with latest facilities and hi-tech equipments for enhancing communication skills of the students.
Industry Internship
Students at CBSMS undertakes an internship for a period of four weeks A report containing the analysis of the problem and the solutions is to be carried out under the guidance of a faculty of the institution and industry. This could involve a desk study/data analysis/technology enabled assignment/enterprise resource planning/live case study/extension work or exploration of an idea or its implementation. Specific guidelines including Format of the report shall be issued by PG Department of Management Studies, Bengaluru City University from time totime.
The industry internship program shall carry 50 marks, of which the internship report shall carry 25 marks and 25 marks for viva voce. The student has to secure a minimum of 25 marks out of 50 marks to pass in the internship program. The viva-voce and the internship report will be evaluated by the external examiners and internal examiners appointed by theBOE.
Master Thesis (Dissertation)
Every student is required to work 45 days on his/her master thesis in the chosen major specialization during the 3rdand 4th semester and prepare a Master Thesis report applying research methodology under the supervision of a Faculty guide and Industry expert. The Thesis shall be based on a free-lance or industry project. Prior to the actual work, the students are required to submit a synopsis of the proposed project work incorporating the components of research design and submit the same to the PG Department of Management Studies, BCU for approval. There is no class work during.
45 days where the student is in industry/fieldwork. Subsequent to the field work, the candidate has to involve himself/herself in writing the master thesis along with attending the classes regularly and viva voce will be conducted for the same.
- The students are required to submit two progress reports during the course of master thesis at the stipulated time periods.
- A hard bound copy and a soft copy of the Master Thesis duly signed by the faculty guide and certified by the industry/organizations and Principal/Director/HOD has to be submitted to the PG Department Management Studies,
Bengaluru City University at the end of the fourth semester before the commencement of the end semester examination. The Master Thesis shall be evaluated for 100 marks by two examiners (One of them will be the faculty guide/member who has guided the work and other will be the external/internal examiners appointed by the BOE). A minimum of 50% marks shall be secured for a pass in the Master Thesis. There shall be a viva-voce examination for 50 marks on the Master Thesis. Viva-voce will be conducted by Board of Examiners/examiners authorized by Chairman of BOE. A minimum of 50% (25 marks) must be secured to pass in the viva-voce examination.
Special Lectures

23rd Feb – Motivational speaker Mr Vinay Patil Founder & CEO Skill fix, Bangalore ,was invited for the guest lecture organised at CBSMS Seminar Hall .He addressed the students and emphasized the need of self-esteem, adaptability , be equipped with the current affairs ,how to deal with career criticism ,self-motivation and many more .

4th Mar –Technical session on GST was conducted Mr Muralidhar N, Indirect Tax Consultant was invited for the session. The speaker explained the framework of GST, practical insights on filing different forms in GST and procedure in filing of Monthly and Annual GST by the firms

23rd Feb – Guest Speaker Mr Srinivasa Kashyap a digital experience business leader turned Agro Entrepreneur, was invited for the guest lecture organised at CBSMS Seminar Hall. He addressed the students on “Opportunities in the Digital world”. He emphasized on how to develop the skills and get updated with the trend of Digital era.

15th October 2022 – Guest Speaker Mr Sharath Chandra Kamath , Recent Trends in Marketing.

20th October 2022 – Guest Speaker Dr.Mahalakshmi S, for Digital intervention and changing business landscape .

17th September 2022 – Guest Speaker Mr.David Biju, Green Start-Ups Initiative.

CBSMS in association with Community Institute of Management Studies Conducted FDP program for Training faculty guides on project guidance on 9th December 2022.
FDP Program

Conducted placement drive for MBA students on 29th November 2022.
Placement Drive

Conducted placement Training for MBA students on 21st to 25th November 2022.
Placement Training
Alumini Details - CBSMS
Alumini passed out in year 2020
- Amritha Singh.S working as Project Manager in TNQ Technologies
- Kavita Kashetti working as Industrial Engineer in Aditya Birla Fashion and retail limited Bengaluru
- Anjali Biserotti working as Merchandiser in Bang Overseas Limited
- Pallavi K C working as Junior Executive in Shashi Export Pvt Ltd
- Anisha G working as Merchandiser in Shashi Export Pvt Ltd
- Shabanam Attar working as Lecturer in K.L.E'S Institute of Fashion Technology And Management For Women Belagavi
- Savitha R - Keerthi Boutique – Entrepreneur
Alumini passed out in year 2021
- Divya A working as Store Visual Merchandiser in Bestseller (Vero Moda)
- Rashmi G working as Lecturer in BGS-SJB Group of Institution Department of Fashion and Apparel Design
- Krishna Reddy working as Junior Executive in Shashi Export Pvt Ltd
- Swapna Karunakaran working as Lecturer in Dvinci Media College