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NSS Programme Coordinator’s Office

- Dr. Govinda Gowda HG,
- NSS, Programme Coordinator,
- BCU NSS Cell,
- 9844169326,
- nssbcu@gmail.com
It is my privilege to welcome all the NSS fraternity to the National Service Scheme (NSS) of the Bengaluru City University. The BCU was established in the year 2015, which came into existence from the year 2018-19 covers 13 assembly constituencies in Bengaluru City and more than 236 colleges are affiliated to BCU. In June 2020, the State Government changed its Nomenclature from Bengaluru Central University to Bengaluru City University. National service Scheme (NSS) commenced it’s service from January 2019 at the university and across all its affiliated colleges. The basic concept of the NSS is to orient the student youth to community service while they are studying. This is to create social consciousness among students; by establishing a meaningful linkage between the campus and the community, especially the rural and backward community. The cardinal principle of the programme is unique as it is organised by the students themselves. Both students and teachers through their combined participation in social service, get a sense of involvement in the task of national development. In this context NSS Cell of BCU will work towards succeeding in its accomplishments by developing thousands of young leaders and great personalities in good coordination with the affiliated Colleges Principals, Programme Officers, Volunteers and with other stakeholders through inculcating the philosophy of Selfless service which is the Motto of NSS ‘NOT ME BUT YOU’.